Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feel Good Friday: Halloween

"There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin."

I thought this week was going to be a challenge for me. How do you find a topic about Halloween that makes you feel good and happy, and not spooked and scared? I mean, dressing up and being ghoulish is, of course, fun. But how do you make it "feel good"?

Thank you, Charles Shulz.

Each and every year, I've made it my own little tradition. I know that many other people share this tradition, but I like to think it's mine. I curl up on the couch with a blanket, I snuggle down with Linus and his big beautiful believing heart, and I wait for the Great Pumpkin to make an appearance.

I love this season. Fall is probably one of my most favorite seasons of the year. The vibrant colors and the cold nippy fresh air. Knit sweaters and knee socks. Living in the Pacific Northwest means that Fall doesn't really begin until Halloween.

This Halloween I'll only be dressing up to pass out candy to the little kids. My adorable step son will dress up as a name tag and go door to door begging for free candy. Who knows what my husband will do, but I'm sure it'll be entertaining.

And as I look out my window at the reds, yellows, oranges, and browns, I look forward to Sunday night when I get to hang out with Linus, drink hot cocoa, and pass out candy to the neighborhood.

What is your favorite Halloween or Fall tradition?


  1. Dear Wifey,

    Let's watch this movie tonight. And also cuddle.

    Your Loving Husband

  2. This year was unfortunately my last year trick-or-treating. But I had fun. I miss the great pumpkin. D:
